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Past Events Hosted Through Preppernet Nashville

WW3, Financial Collapse, and Domestic Terrorism
23 MARCH 2024

Man got urgent alert. emergency and urgent from working calling..jpg

If you find yourself in need of motivation to get prepared or finish your preps, this class is for you! We are approaching a pivotal point in history with a good probability of seeing WW3, catastrophic financial collapse, and domestic acts of terror occur all at the same time. This class will take a look at where we are currently and where we are heading in the near future. Whether you have just started prepping are are well down the road, you will come away with great ideas, a renewed sense of urgency, and fresh motivation to continue. I'm sure it will be a lively evening!

Upcoming Events

September 16, 2023

Self-Reliance and Suburban Homesteading Exposition


Pressure Canning and Water Bath
February 18th, 2023

Home canning is a time-honored tradition that is in danger of becoming a lost art. Done properly it is perfectly safe and economical. The ability to preserve your own food allows you to take advantage of sales, buy in quantity, and preserve high-quality food with minimum processing.


In this class you will learn (or review) how to water bath and pressure can. For this event, we will make jam and bottle it using the water bath method. Everyone who comes will get a small jar of the jam to keep. We will also have homemade bread to eat the jam on. We will then pressure can some chicken breast. While the chicken breast is cooking, a light lunch will be served. If you have special dietary restrictions, please bring your own food.


This class will take you through both processes step-by-step and discuss what is necessary for safe canning at home.

There is a lot of concern with the situation in Ukraine right now. I don't think it's going to go nuclear but this is a good time to review nuclear survival techniques. It has been nearly two years since I last hosted this class and there are hundreds of new


I am a formally trained NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) warfare officer. Unless you have the misfortune to be very near ground zero, a nuclear detonation is very easy to survive yet 98% will die from a lack of knowledge of simple procedures.


Come on out and learn what it takes.

This class will also be a good time to discuss any other questions you might have about prepping for the uncertain times ahead.

Long-Term Power Outages

For this Meetup, we will be meeting for a presentation and discussion on Long-Term Power Outages. Solar flares, EMP, cyber attack, ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, pandemics--just about any large scale catastrophe will result in a power outage. Accordingly, preparing for a power loss should be one of the first steps of preparedness. This Meetup will offer relevant information for members at all stages of preparedness. More importantly, it will offer a chance to meet new people, form relationships, and network with like-minded individuals.

So, you've done your part and prepared yourself and your family for an uncertain future but now you realize, prepared as you are, you will need more people if a true crisis arises. Your next step to security lies in forming a mutual assistance group. A Mutual Assistance Group is a body of like-minded individuals working together for each other's welfare in times of stress. Most people agree that a MAG is critical to success but not many people have any idea how to set up or even join one. If you fit into this category, this class is for you...

We will meet and actually go through all of the steps in forming a working MAG. We will discuss who to invite and how to extend invitations; look at various charters and then go through the process of ratifying a charter and voting on provisions including leadership, security, discipline, compensation for services, etc. We will also discuss the event driven timeline that leads to the decision to activate a MAG. Time-permitting, we will then look at a hypothetical location and go through the requirements for day-to-day operations. As always, there is not time to cover all of the possibilities so we will concentrate on the worst-case scenario.

This class will be fun and informative. I have no doubt that there will be some lively but friendly debate. I will have handouts with comprehensive notes for attendees. For those that are interested, my wife and I will be at Oscar's Tacos" above the studio at 6:15 for dinner before the class begins. Please bring your own chair if you can. This class is free but I will be accepting donations to cover the cost of the handouts and the fee for renting the facility.

How to Prepare Wild Game

The ability to dress and prepare wild game is a critical skill in survival situations yet many people have never done it. If you want to know how, this class is for you!


This class is not for the squeamish! I will demonstrate how to dress a rabbit after which participants will be give a live rabbit to dispatch, skin, and dress. This is a critical skill and the good news is that it works for nearly all mammals. If you can dress a rabbit, you can dress a squirrel or a deer, or a cow; the principals are the same they just take longer:) I will also demonstrate a chicken if I can find one.

Prep For A Day is just that; a chance to spend the day with like-minded individuals, have some fun, and hopefully learn some new skills.
This is the tentative schedule for the day:

  • 9:00 - 10:30 AM Starvation Proof-Foraging with free plants, door prizes, recipes, and samples including kudzu, lamb's quarter, cattail, hackberry, and others.

  • 10:45 - 11:30 How To Make Cordage From Natural Fibers--when you finish this class, you'll be able to turn grass, nettle, cedar bark, and nearly anything else into useful cordage or rope.

  • 11:30 - 12:15 PM Lunch (bring your own and something to share) while you chat and look at the displays including: a survival library, water purification, power generation, nuclear survival, and emergency communications.

  • 12:15 - 1:45 PM Long-term Power Outages--This is a critical class for any prepper and there is no doubt that you will need to know this information at some point in the future.

  • 1:45 - 2:30 PM Knot Tying--Impress your friends and make yourself proud. Learn some basic knots and when to tie them; you'll be amazed at how handy it is and how often you use them.

  • 2:45 - 4:00 PM Food Security--President Biden, the World Economic Forum, WHO, and others are all sounding the alarm on imminent food shortages and unrest this fall. This class will cover what to expect and how to prepare for it.

Come when you can and leave when you need to. You can attend all of the the classes or none of the classes and simply spend your time going through exhibits and making new connections.

This event is free and there is no limit to attendees. Bring your family and friends. This event is all indoors with air conditioning and restrooms so weather will not be a factor. There is a small, unattended play room for children.

It's time for our annual movie night! Since it is so close to Christmas, I thought we'd add a twist with the White Elephant Gift Exchange.


In the past, we have always watched a movie, stopped at key points, and talked about what was going on both good (rarely) and bad. It is fun, but it takes a while and we end up watching a lot of movie for a few minutes of good discussion. This year I am cutting to the chase by taking relevant clips from all of my favorite prepper movies and editing them into one video. You'll get shorted on character development but we'll have a lot more fun and cover many more situations.


As for the White Elephant Gift Exchange, bring something prepper related old or new, that you want to foist off on someone else. Make sure it's wrapped well to keep everyone guessing. We'll assign gifts based on a lottery and when all of the gifts are gone, you'll have a chance to attempt to trade.

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